
VMtory is a web application that creates a user portal to manage virtual machines. It is developed for environments that use VMware vSphere ESXi with the Free license (read-only API and no vCenter available).

VMtory does not perform any action right now on the virtual machines themselves. Instead, VMtory creates support tickets (via sending an email to your support queue o directly via iTop’s API if you happen to use it), these tickets have the opeartion requested by the user and all the relevant information. Execution of actions is planned to be added as sending ssh commands to the hypervisors.

VMtory supports local users and LDAP authentication. The users can see only the VMs that are assigned to their user account, a VM also can have a group associated in wich case all the members of the group can see the status and information of the VM and make request such as power on, power off, restore snapshots, etc.

VMtory has a sync_vms django shell command, that connects to all the enabled hypervisors and pulls all the VMs information for each one. This task can/should be automated using a cron job, and runned every 5 minutes for example.


Plase refer to this imgur album: https://imgur.com/a/X94zHHT

